Saturday, September 25, 2010

A Monkey as a Pet?

A monkey as a pet? That is a great question to ask someone randomly when you have nothing else to talk about. The question could only go ways, either they make good pets,or they make horrible pets. If someone randomly asked me this question I would gladly tell them that a monkey would make a horrible pet.

I think that monkeys would make horrible pet because they are not meant to be pets. First of all they are wild animals no matter how many different ways that you put it. If you keep them in a science lab or a zoo they are still wild. This is why they make horrible pets because no matter how long they are your pet, they will turn on you. For example, the lady who was mauled in her tge by her pet monkey because it did not recognize her anymore even though she had it for a long time. This proves that if you slightly change your appearnce the monkey will embrace it's wild side.

Even though you might think "Oh, I would never change my appearnce so the monkey would not attack me," think again. It might not be you who it attacks. It could be your sister or friend or maybe even a stranger and they might want to press chargers against you or maybe even sue you. If either or happens, you will be facing the horrible consequenses with harm to you, or harm to someone else and a depletion of your money.

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