Friday, October 22, 2010

The Toilet

Did you know that conveniences change people live? They could be either a small change or a big change, either way, it will change a person's life. You are probably wondering what a convenience is, and to me, a convenience is anything that makes you comfortable at your home. It could be an oven, a couch, a television, or even your own bed. Even though all of the others are necessities for us to have, I believe that we have a convenience that can change our lives drastically if we did not have them in our present time. That convenience is the toilet.

Just imagine if you did not have a toilet in your house. How do you think you would do? Do you think that you would have the ability to survive without it? I know for sure that I would be one of those people. As you may see, without a toilet in your house your life you be totally different. You would have to go to the bathroom outside for an outhouse and maybe even dig a latrine in your backyard if you could not afford an outhouse. Just imagine how the streets would smell if there was no toilet. Not only would it smell horrible, but also people might start getting used to living near filth. Now do you see how life would be different?

In conclusion, the toilet is a convenience that changes peoples life. It is a big change because we depend on it every day and without it would cause people to use latrines. It would make everything outside stink and people would basically live in their own filth.

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