Friday, October 22, 2010


The means of communication has changed drastically over the past twenty years ago. Just twenty years away it was the 1990's.At first you could just go around with a pager and you thought it was cool because you know someone had tried to reach you. You still had the e-mail, land-line phones, mail, and even cell phones. Now, you still see all of that, except for the pager, and everyone uses them to communicate.

Back in the 1990’s the way to communicate was pretty much the same, but the difference now is how we have been able to progress further on with our communication needs. Almost nobody really sits and haves a nice talk anymore without getting interrupted by many other ways of communicating. These ways of communication include: texting, instant messaging, e-mailing, face booking, tweeting, or any online society network that allows for people to talk to each other electronically. Twenty year ago, there was not as much communicating electronically, but in the present time, people actually rely on a text or tweet through an electronic device than actually hearing that person speak. Pretty soon, if everyone continues to communicate electronically, people would find less ways to talk to a person when they could in fact send it to them electronically.

In conclusion, communication has changed over the course of twenty years. Not only has it changed to electronically, but also it has changed how people communicate when it comes to talking face to face. Next thing we know it we would be able to communicate with animals through technology!

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