Sunday, October 3, 2010

The Baby Dragon

Once upon a time near the beginning the dragons lived alongside the humans. There was always peace in the villages and the humans were respectful towards the dragons because the dragons were sacred creatures. Because the dragons were treated with respect, they allowed the humans to ride them and they assisted them in any wars if there were any quarrels with other villages.
All of that changed 200 years ago. There was a new king of the land, King Jerald. It was told that King Jerald hated the dragons and that he was evil, so evil that it was said that he did not have a heart. He made a decree that every dragon was to be killed and that if you refused to kill them, then you were to be killed too. Many people rebelled because of their love for the sacred dragons, but they were killed off as promised by the King Jerald’s army of soldiers.
It is now the year 1300 B.C. and the humans have forgotten about the once sacred dragons and the one who made them absent from their lifetime. That is everyone but one old man. He found a dragon who somehow escaped from the massacre years ago. It was old in age compared to the normal lifespan of 250 year s and it was carrying an egg. The dragon died as soon as the old man figured out about the egg, but before it died it seemed to tell the old man of all what happened to all of the dragons. This is the story of that little egg.
“It has blue swirls around its creamy shell and it’s a dragon’s egg.” The old man thought over and over in his head as he carried a heavy sack carefully on his back. He was on the dirt trail in the direction of his son’s village and today was the day that he would tell him and his wife about the egg. It had been a constant nagging in the back of his mind since he received it and it was telling him to give it to his son.
The old man turned towards the right and in the far distance he spotted his son’s village on the top of the hill. The old man sighed with relief. He would finally be able to tell someone about his discovery instead of keeping it in for the past three months.
He walked on and when he reached the village he rested on a flat stone rock that was just outside of the outdoor market place. While he rested, this one particular man caught the old man attention. In fact the man caught the attention of anyone who was in the market place. This man was attempting to swallow three long swords with jeweled hilts. The swords looked quite familiar to the swords he gave his son. In fact, the man looked quite familiar with his  wavy brown shoulder- length hair, his angular chin, and his relatively short stature. The old man looked harder and realized that he was looking at his own son.

"Now how could I not even recognize my own son?" The old man questioned aloud as he jumped up from the rock and walked over to the now forming crowd with the sack still on his back.

He made it to the back of the crowd and then slowly people began to vanish one by one. The old man's son had pulled out the three swords and was now packing up to go back to his home. As the old man came closer he saw a tattered hat with a lot of pieces of gold in it. So this is what his son became after being a guard at the king's royal palace.

When everyone was gone except the old man and his son, the old man began to speak.
"Son, I have a gift for your little boy, it will hatch soon and your son will need to take care of it. Only him and no one else. If anyone finds out about this, it will cause ultimate chaos. I must go now, my calling has come." the old man gave his son the sack with the egg and before giving his son to reply, he laid down on the ground and passed away due to unknown cause.

The son sat there dumbfounded. His father had just died right in front of his eyes and gave him strict instructions about this thing in the sack. He began to weep over his father's body. Whatever must be in this bag must be worth dying for.
After a few minutes of weeping over his dead father, the son picked up the sack that was surprisingly light for being such huge in size. As soon as he picked up the sack the old man’s body dissolved into the sand and the son was left astonished at how quickly the body dissolved. He placed the sack on his back and headed towards his home.

As soon as the son made it inside of his home, his wife met him with a kiss on his cheek.

“There you are. You’re just in time for a supper of rabbit that our little son caught in the woods.” She said cheerfully as their little son came up from behind her.

“I am not little mother, I am nine years old and that makes me a man.” The little son said proudly while sticking out his chest. He stuck his head in the air like he was the king.

“Not quite son, but you will be soon. Come let us eat supper.” The son stated as he walked over to where the rabbit was skewered over the fire pit.

The supper was delicious. The rabbit was as plumb as ever and they were lucky to find it because it was nearing winter and all of the rabbits usually became too skinny for food. As the family wiped their mouths onto their fur coats, the son decided to use this time to tell his little son about the gift.

“Little son, would you please go over to where my swords are and bring the oval shaped sack on top of them. Be careful with it, it is fragile.” The little son did as his father told him to and brought it to the table. “Now open it and what is inside is yours and yours only. You must keep it safe and take care of it and let no one other than your mother and I see it. Do you promise my little son?” The son asked as he looked deeply into his little son’s eyes. All he saw were that his little son would promise to do whatever he just said.

“I promise father.” The little son said as he opened the sack. The sack revealed a large cream egg with blue swirls that reminded him of how the air would look if you could see it blowing. The little boy cautiously touched the egg and inside he felt a slight movement. He jerked his hand away as the egg began to crack like thin ice. He looked at his father fearfully. He made a terrible mistake and now whatever was in it would die. He began to close his eyes and retreat. He was almost outside when his father called to him.

“Little son, little son, come see it. It is not dead, but alive. Come look!” The son cried with joy as he saw a creature emerge from the cracked shell. The little son came back to the egg. By the time that he was in front of it there on the floor stood a baby dragon. He did not know how he knew it was a dragon, but he did. He walked towards the baby dragon. It was a deep shade of blue like the swirls on its shell and it had little sharp teeth. When the baby dragon opened its eyes the little son could see that its eyes were a light blue. He gasped as he walked towards it and placed his hand on the baby dragon’s head. It was then that he felt the connection between the baby dragon and himself.

“Hello, little son I am dragon and I am your master, but I like you so you could be my master.” The baby dragon talked through to the little son in its head. It was then on that the dragon and the little son became best friends.

Four years have passed and the little son and the baby dragon have grown. Everything is well. They have been training in secret with fighting and flying techniques without anyone noticing anything weird about a thirteen year old boy and a huge blue four year old dragon being together. They only have each other now because the little son’s mother and father have perished in a fire that almost destroyed their whole entire village.
 But not everything is safe for long. It is becoming harder to hide the dragon. People are becoming suspicious of the thirteen year old boy. Another thing is that there is a new king and he is a descendent of King Jerald. He has studied his ancestor and has somehow discovered the secret of the dragons. Will he go searching for any remaining dragons, if so; will he find the little son’s dragon? Only time will tell as the dragon and little son journey on to the world of runaways.

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