Sunday, October 3, 2010

I Won!

There was once a time when I was in sixth grade. It was the day that I graduated from my elementary school and we had a field trip to go to Knotts Berry Farm. I cannot remember if this was my second or third time being there, but I was really disappointed. We were originally going to go to Six Flags and that would have been my first time being there. But the principal thought my class was too bad to go, which made no sense at all because we were good compared to the class that graduated before us, so she took away that field trip. Since the parents thought it was quite unfair, they got together and paid for the buses to take us to Knotts after we get home from the graduation.

When we got there everyone separated into there individual groups. I somehow got away from my friends and ended up playing this game. The prizes were some very big stuffed animal tigers that either sat up or layed down. I knew then that I just had to win one of them. The goal of the game was to throw a ball at these five or three bottles and if you did all of them you got a tiger just for three dollars. I tried the first time put did not get all of them. I then paid another three dollars and I got one of them. Since I was so persistent the person gave me a tiger, so I won the game.

I happily walked away with my sitting up tiger, but turned back almost immediately. The tiger did not have a tail and I was a bit embarrassed to tell the person their mistake. They immediately took the messed up tiger and gave me a new one, but this one was lying down. He currently is still lying down and he occupies the end of my bed with my other stuffed animals every night.

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