Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Understanding vs. Knowledge

What two things come to your mind when you hear or see the word knowledge? Do you think of a big pile of books and a brain like I do? How about what comes to your mind when you hear or see the word understanding? Do you think of a giant, green, check mark like I do? If you think like I do, I can tell you that I really do not know what the real meaning of both of these words, but it is what I seem to understand. Even though they may seem just alike, understanding and knowledge are two different concepts.

Knowledge I like what you know and what you could learn. No one can take away any of your knowledge unless you give it away. You can learn what it is and you could keep it in your brain for safe keeping. Understanding is a concept where you finally get what the person is talking about. You could understand what it is and that is what I mean by the big green check mark. It is a check for yes as in yes I understand. Understanding is also having empathy for a person because you understand what the person is going through because you were in a similar situation. One thing you can do with understanding is understand the knowledge that you let in your brain. These terms go hand in hand with each other.

In conclusion, understanding and knowledge are different by are used together. Knowledge has to do with what you know and understanding is how well you get the concepts. For knowledge though, you have to understand it so the terms go together. What do you think about understanding and knowledge?

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