Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Not Enough Sleep

How many hours daily do you usually get when you go to sleep? Do you get around four hours because you were texting all night long? Or do you get a full eight hours of sleep because you go to sleep every day at 9:00 and wake up at 6:00? If you may have realized, when you sleep only for four hours you would feel tired whereas if you sleep for eight hours, you would feel like you had a full nights rest. Saying this, I would like to bring to your attention that not getting enough could affect your day.

I would use myself for example because I barely get enough sleep every day. I would come home from school and do my homework, but it takes so long that I do not end up finishing it till about 11:30 at night. I then would rest a little and then take a shower and end up not falling asleep till about 2:00. I would have to wake up at 5:30 in the morning to get to my early class on time. I would get to school and I would be sleepy by the time my lunch is over. By that time I can barley put my hands on my head without somehow falling asleep. Because of the lack of sleep, I might miss out on valuable information in class. 

In conclusion, not getting enough sleep could affect you day. For myself, when I do not get enough sleep, I find it hard to stay awake after lunch in my last class for the day. Now tell me this, how does not having enough sleep affect your day?

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