Prompt 27: For centuries, people have wondered about the possibility of life on other planets in the universe. Do you believe extraterrestrial life exists? Write an essay persuading others to share your point of view.
Have you ever thought that the movie E.T. was based on real occurrences instead of just a fictional story line? Have you ever believed that there were ever such things as unidentified flying objects, or UFO’s, just because the government showed real live videos of supposedly UFO’s? Or maybe perhaps you have actually seen some disk like thing in the air and everyone else agreed with you that it was an UFO’s? How about how the government finds all these things that give evidence that there is water on other planets meaning there should be life? Although there may seem evidence that extraterrestrial life exists on other planets and that they visit our planet, I believe that extraterrestrial life does not exists because only Earth has the capacity to bring life to things, there is no creature smarter than the human, and because extraterrestrials are fictional.
I believe that Earth is the only place to hold life because God made it that way. If He really wanted to make some other planet to be inhabited he would have. But the thing is that He did not! Just because He made some other planets does not mean that there would be life on the other planets, especially in the sense of extraterrestrials. Earth is the perfect choice and location, so why would he make any other planet hold life when he has the most beautiful Earth that he created? That is why he did not make others that would just fail the requirements for perfection.
I also believe that there is no creature that is smarter than a human. Let us look at all of the creatures on planet Earth. Even though all the creatures have a way of communicating with each other through sounds, we have a better way of communicating. We are able to think things out and make up different ideas like a satellite or a way to study a piece of bacteria or maybe even how to creating medicines. No creatures on Earth besides humans can do that. I do not care if you have heard that extraterrestrials are supposedly higher in knowledge than humans. In my mind, nothing is greater than the human mind, except God, so how is it possible for there to be an extraterrestrial when the supposedly higher “beings” cannot exceed the knowledge of humans.
I also believe that extraterrestrials are purely fictional. If you think that UFO’s are actually unidentified, I believe that you are missing the big picture. I believe the government probably wants us to believe in extraterrestrials, so that if they do something wrong, then they could blame it on the supernatural. If it was made up from the government, then that just tells me that extraterrestrials are real if water can mix with water (it cannot by the way). They are just like another grim fairy tale in a scientific story book.
In conclusion, I believe that extraterrestrial life does not exist. They do not exist because only Earth holds life, no creature is smarter than a human, and because they are purely fictional because of the government. It makes sense to me that an extraterrestrial life would not, does not exist. Do you still believe in them or do you need some more convincing?