Saturday, October 23, 2010

Semester Persuasive Essay 3

4. Since the cloning of the sheep Dolly, there has been much debate over whether or not human beings should be cloned. Many people feel this is a violation of the natural order of things and that all research in the area of human cloning should be banned. Others feel that this is a natural progression of science and human evolution and that research in the area of human cloning should be a priority. How do you feel about this issue? Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.
Human Cloning
What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think about cloning? Do you think it about the first successful cloned sheep named Dolly? Do you think about the possibility that since they have started and successfully cloned animals that they would soon start to clone human beings? That is exactly what comes to my mind when I think about cloning. The second thing that I think about is how wrong it would be if humans had the audacity to try to clone a human being. This is just wrong and I believe that any research that has been started or any idea about cloning a human should be banned.
In my perspective, cloning humans is a very wrong thing to do. You might be the person to think that cloning an animal would be the same thing as cloning a human, since they are both living things, but I beg to differ from your argument. I believe animals are a step under humans, first of all because they do not have a soul only a spirit, so you can make another animal because of that.  A human has a soul and you cannot just give someone a soul.  That is like trying to force water and oil to mix. Exactly, because water and oil cannot mix, so you cannot just go around trying to a create copy of a person when there is no soul for that person.
Just because our society today is very advanced, does not mean that people should start trying to play God. No amount of human evolution or science should make us begin to try to make a human through “science” when God has been doing this since the beginning of time. If someone starts to try to clone a human, it would just mess up the earth’s equilibrium. It is already slightly messed up with all the pollution, tree demolitions, and overconsumption of the earth’s natural resources, so tell my why do we need to mess up the nature of a God given life? What, to make him angry? I do not think so and what shall we do to please Him? We shall ban the research!
Even if somehow the research of human cloning was continued and it was successful (I doubt it), people would not be the same anymore. We would be stripping our identity and self image from ourselves. Just imagine you were cloned. Now, there is someone who is basically you walking around with the same type of thoughts and same taste in everything. Everything is the same even to where you exert the most pressure on your point. That is taking away your identity! We are supposed to be unique individuals and human cloning would take away something that society can never take away from us until we give it to them, and that is our minds because cloning would take away what you know.
In conclusion, research for human cloning should be banned. We would save ourselves from God’s wrath and no individuality. Even if we tried though, we would not be able to clone. So, why waste research on cloning when you could be researching the cure for cancer? It makes logical sense to me, how about you?

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