What is the first thing that you do when you buy something new? Do you gawk at it over its newness? Or maybe do you make sure it has everything that you wanted it to have and all of the parts that were needed were there? Now, what do you do when you go into the store to buy a computer? Do you just buy the first one that you see? I am pretty sure that you do not just buy the first one that you see. I know that if that was me buying a new state of the art computer, I would research the information before I buy it.
IN order to make sure that I am getting the best type of computer possible, I would do a number of things. First, I would consult my father because he works with computers, so he is sort of an expert on them. I would ask about how much information that it could hold and does it have a high security level. I would then go online to find out about how it looks and what it has to offer me. Once I am done doing that, I would go to the store that would have the computer and see how it runs. If I like it, I would buy it. If not, I would go research another computer. Consult an expert on computers, research online, and go to the store that sells the computer to look at it: these steps would help anyone find a great computer.
This blog is about me and my time through my school year of 2010-2011. So do not be confused on how random these blogs are.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Passing College Admission Tests
There are many things that you need to d before you go to college. Some specific things that you need to do is to go and visit many college campuses and go through something for financial aid. Even though these two things that are important for your college life, you would need to do something else. That thing that a person needs to do is prepare for college admission tests.
When you go to college, there are many classes that you would have that would require you to take a college admissions test. It could be for a math class or maybe even an English class. Knowing this, you probably would want to know what to do to prepare for them. Well to tell you the truth, the only things that you need to do are relax and study the basic information that would be on that type of test. You would need to relax because if you take a test stressed, you would not be able to answer the questions very clearly because your head would not be clear. You would need to study the basic information for the test so that way you would at least know some of the questions that you may have forgotten when you were taught in high school.
In conclusion, to pass the college admissions test you would need to do two things. You would first need to relax and then you would need to study the information. Once you have done that, all that is left for you to do is take the test.
How to End a Realtionship
Relationships come in many shapes and forms. Some come in forms of father to daughter, husband to wife, sister to sister, friend to friend, boyfriend to girlfriend, enemy to enemy, and many more. There are many relationships out there and most of the time there would come a time when you have to end a relationship with a person. Even though the relationship will still remain since you still know the person, the ties that brought them together are the ones that end up being severely severed. I am going to explain to you what you should do when you need to severe that certain relationship.
Since I know I will not be able to explain the husband to wife, boyfriend to girlfriend, or enemy to enemy, I will explain how to end a relationship with a friend. I am not very experienced with ending a relationship, but I do know what needs to be done to do this. For whatever reason you want to end your relationship with your friend, you should just tell them the reason and you want to end the friendship face to face. You must prepare yourself the day and night before and maybe even write it down if you feel like chickening out. If you do not do this, you would never be able to end the relationship. I do not care if you are nice, if you want something done you should do it yourself.
In conclusion, you have to prepare yourself before you end the relationship. There is nothing else that really needs to be done after until it is time to tell them. You cannot chicken out because if you do, you would never achieve your goal of ending the friendship.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Semester Persuasive Essay#4: Families
Prompt #16 A few decades ago, many families had half a dozen or more children. Nowadays, more and more families are choosing to have only one or two children. Are smaller families better than larger ones? Why or why not? State your position and support it with specific reasons and examples.
There are many large families that include more than six children; there are also many small families that include only one or two children. But nowadays, there are more and more people who are sticking to having only two or one children in their family. Many believe that having smaller families is actually better than having a large family. Although they always seem to paint the perfect picture, smaller families are not better than larger families, because the larger families have a better chance at at least two of their children turning out successful, while smaller families have a lesser chance.
Even though having a small family may seem very appealing because there are fewer children, it would not be an advantage. It would not be an advantage because if your one kid dies, you would not have that child anymore that was supposed to be successful and live a long life. If you had a big family, you would not have to worry about that little dilemma. Let us say that you had six children. You would be able to count on at least two or three children out of the six to be successful and live a long life.
Larger families are less prone to a child being unloved at home. They would have multiple siblings that they could go to for help, more children to play with, and less time being lonely. Being loved would help a child be more confident in himself or herself, so they would have support behind them in what they chose to become, therefore a better chance at success. Even though the parents of a smaller family still can love their child, they would not have as big as a support team as a larger family.
I am from a large family myself, even though it is not exactly six children. There are a total of five children (one boy and four girls). Even though we usually argue and call each other names almost every day, we still all love each other. We play with each other, are never lonely in the house, and we could go to each other for help if we needed it. Both my two older sisters are currently in college and my parents support them all of the way. This is just a prime example that at least two in my family right now might become successful in my family.
In conclusion, large families are better than larger families. Even though smaller families may seem better because of less people, it is not. There would be a fewer chance for them to become successful in their life and for them to live longer. Larger families have the advantage of a larger love to be shared throughout the siblings and parents. The children would be less lonely because they would have their siblings for company. I believe that we should all get the idea into our mind that larger is better in family matters. What do you think about that?
How to Make a New Friend
Making a friend is one of the biggest things that a person could achieve in life. It means that you have found someone who you could trust, could tell your feelings to, have fun with, and be loyal to. They are the people that sometimes you overlook and do not take a second glance at. Whichever way you go they are still there and it is very important in life to make as many true friends that you can in your lifetime that you can.
Making a friend may look easy in a movie, but quite frankly, it is very difficult. First, you have to see if you could trust them. If they lie to you then they are not a very good friend. Second, you have to see if you can go to that person for anything. If you cannot open up to them, then how are they going to be able to understand you? Third, you have to be able to relax and have fun with that person. If you simply cannot have fun, then that “friend” would be more of an acquaintance. Finally, if you are loyal to that person and they are loyal to you then your relationship would be happy. Once you have found all of these qualities in a person, by just talking to them, you would be able to consider that person a friend.
In conclusion, friends need to be able to have fun, be loyal, trustworthy, and you need to be able to open up your feelings to them. If you do not try to find these things in a person, you should not expect to find a friend. Just remember, making friends requires for you to look for them!
My Favorite Game
Everyone that I know has a favorite game to play. What is your favorite game to play? Is it a game of hide-in-seek or it could be an X-box game, like Halo or Call of Duty? I know that my favorite game to play is on the computer. It is a creating game and you could control the people in it and you could make them have the life that they wanted to have. It has gone from flat to 3D and I have loved each and every one of them when they came out. Have you guessed what game it is yet? If you have not guessed yet, the answer is the Sims.
Ever since the original Sims came out, I have been in love with the game. Instead of it being a game that scared the socks off my feet, this game was very accommodating to me. I was able to make a family or a single person and play out their life for them. I gave my Sims pets, money, a college education, vacation time, a skill to learn, an apartment, and even children. The game is so fun that I would pick this game over any other game because it has the ability to have what I want. Any other game would leave me bored or too scared to finish.
My favorite game would always be the Sims (all three versions). This game makes me happy because it is not scary or boring. If I were isolated on an island, I would be happy to have it because it would keep me entertained.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Impulse Buying
Have you ever gone to a shopping mall and when you saw all of the things that you could buy and the things that you wanted? Did you actually go up to that certain store or stores and in fact shopped until you dropped? Even though you may not realize this, but every time you are buying these things ii is because you had a sudden impulse to buy that item that was begging you to buy it. This is a very common thing among people who like to shop and it has a name. It is called impulse buying and there are certain cause and effects that follow it.
There could be many causes that are a part of impulse buying. Some of these may include: a way to cheer one’s self, a natural wanting to purchase stuff, media, or you just a shopaholic. If you have any of these qualities, then you may be prone to buy impulsively. There are also some effects that come into play when you buy impulsively. Some of these effects may include: spending too much money, going broke, having too much stuff, having unnecessary stuff, and not being able to save any money. Other than that there is nothing else to say about this.
In conclusion, when you buy something because you bought it without thinking, you are being an impulse buyer. A cause could be because you like to buy stuff and an effect could be you went and bought unnecessary things.
Greeting’s my visitor from another planet from a different galaxy. I understand that this is officially your first visit to planet Earth and the Milky Way Galaxy. I know that there might be a lot of concepts on my planet that you may not understand from my planet and might find a bit overwhelming. Since you seem perplexed right now, I would like to introduce to you a major and serious problem on planet Earth. What is the problem, you ask? Well the problem is pollution.
Do you see the clouds in the sky? Do you notice how dirty and blackish brown that they are? Do you also notice how the air does not seem clean enough to breathe right and feel wonderful? Well, that is what pollution does. It comes from all of our factories, cars, and smog that we use. The factories produce the dirtiness in the air making it bad. Now, if you look at the country over there, you might notice that the skies are not like that. They are not like that because they have very little factories and such that cause the pollution. That is the one good thing about this planet. The country will be better dealing with pollution than our busy cities.
Now do you understand a little about what pollution is? Well that is a great thing to hear about because adapting to this planet is how we have to survive. Oh, I see that you have to leave already. I will see you later and next time I will tell you about our wonderful recycling methods.
Life Without Computers
Computers are a major thing in our everyday lives today. We use them to do our homework, launch military missiles, track people, to look up information, to stay in touch with faraway people, and to even store data. Computers are so advanced that they could even monitor a person from the inside of that certain individual’s body. Computers have also come so far that if they were to just magically disappear from our society today, our modern lives would be so different. Our modern lives would be so different that not only would our lives change forever, but also our whole entire future.
Imagine waking up in the morning and going to your television because you want to watch the morning weather report. You turn it on, but what you get is static, static and more static. That is because the television needs the computer to air a television show. Just think about what people would be like if they were not able to use their cell phones. People would go into withdraw and then there would be chaos everywhere. Not only would people would become crazy, but also they would not be able to function. The world would slowly die with all of the bedlam on the surface.
In conclusion, computers are our everything. If we did not have them we would basically die. Our planet would die because we would die, so that would mean no more Earth. Our lives would be so different; we would not be able to live.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
What Makes a Good Driver
One of the goals that are in some people’s life is learning how to drive. Once a person reaches that goal they then are able to drive around to where ever they need to be. The thing is, not everyone who learns to drive turns out to be a good driver. They might tend to be the type of driver who likes to run through stop signs. They might be the type of driver who does not know how to slow down when they see a yellow light on the stoplight. In order for a person to become a good driver they have to have certain techniques and a certain behavior.
The only techniques that you need to have to be a good driver is follow the rules of the roads and to follow the rules of the law. If you follow these two techniques then you would not have to worry about ending up a bad driver. Instead, you would end up being a good driver. The certain behavior that you need to have when you are driving is one where you are good. If you exhibit good behavior, you would be able to follow my advice about the techniques. If you had exhibited bad behavior, you would not be able to follow my advice.
In conclusion, certain techniques and certain behavior help make you a good driver. You have to follow the rules of the road and law and have good behavior. If you did not have these, you would not be able to achieve your goal to be a good driver.
My Favorite Singer
My all time favorite singer is Alicia Keys. She can sing and she could play the piano and she does not need to do things other than that to make her famous. She was born in New York on January 25, 1980. Her mother was an Irish-Italian women and her father was African. She is currently married to Swizz Beatz and has a son named Egypt.
During her life, Alicia Keys has done many things. She learned how to play the piano by the age of seven. She graduated from her performing arts school when she was sixteen as valedictorian in her class . She was accepted into Colombia and went there when she was sixteen but then dropped out to pursue her career as a singer. Because of all of these events, it has allowed Alicia Keys to become who she is today because now she has reached her dream career.
Why I Am Unique
People have many qualities about themselves that stand out more than any other qualities. They could either be a good quality or a bad one. The thing is it would always be there unless you decide to change yourself to rid of it. Even though it may not seem like it, there is a special quality that makes everyone a different and unique individual. Even I have a special quality about myself that makes me a unique individual and it is that I can remember most of my daily dreams.
Even though some may think that is not unique because every dreams every day, I would like to clarify that I remember my dreams every day. It never fails me to remember at least one thing about my dream. Most people only remember at least one dream maybe a week, while I remember at least one of my dreams every day. I do not want to seem vain, but I like that I can remember my dreams every day. It helps makes me the unique individual that I am today. It makes me feel really special when I get to explain my dream though. It is like I am having the dream again and now I get to share the dream with someone else.
In conclusion, being able to remember my dreams makes me a unique individual. It makes me feel special because most people do not remember what they dreamed about. Now, would it not be lovely if next time I tell you a dream? I think that would be perfect.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Images: Class Assignment
I see the dark charcoal black of the horse, the sky blue sky, green grass, and the bright yellow sun. The dark and bright colors contrast. I hear the horse's hoof beats hit the soft grass, the wind blowing against the horse's mane and tail that make a sound like the wind against a flag, the horse's whinnies and snorts as one would try to brush it, and the horse's munching on a carrot. The mood it would bring would be of rebellion because of the fierce look in the horse's eye as one would try to ride a wild black beauty. The emotions that it would bring would be of intimidation because of the fear of falling off it because it went wild and of happiness for my love of horses and their beauty. The taste it would remind me of would be of original sun chips because while I attempt to ride the horse, the sun air would be full of sun.
Pride's in One's Work
What do you think the world would be like if everyone doubted their artwork, school work, discoveries, theories, or their results in a project that they did? Do you think that people would have their stuff published and that the world would progress in higher knowledge? What would you think would happen if Leonardo da Vinci was not proud in his art piece Mona Lisa? How about if Copernicus was not proud in his Heliocentric Theory or if Galileo was not proud of his improved telescope? As you may see, pride in one’s work is very important.
If you do not have pride in your work, you would never be able to be successful in life. A part of being successful is acknowledging the work that you complete. If you have no pride in your work, your boss, teacher or professor would notice that it and they might misinterpret it as you did a poor effort in it. If you did have pride in your work, you might have someone try to criticize it, but there are others who would praise your work. Not only would you feel even better about your work, but you also would be displaying your best work out there, since you are proud about it.
In conclusion, pride in one’s work is very important. If there was no pride in your work, you would not be able to successful like Galileo or Leonardo da Vinci. If you did have pride in your work, you would be showing your best work and you would feel good about yourself.
How many places in the world do you think is diverse? Do you think that it is the majority of the planet or do you think that there are a few places in the world are diverse? I myself believe the latter part of the question because I myself do not see much diversity around the world. Before I say anything else, I would like to tell you the meaning of diversity in my eyes. In my eyes, diversity is being able to work, learn, and be comfortable around another race that you might be familiar with.
An example of a place that is diverse would be my school. We do not have an overpowering race in it. Instead, we have an equal amount of Black and Latino students on campus. They mingle in with each other and there is not really a conflict between the two races. An example of a non-diverse place would probably be a school where the majority of the students are Caucasian and the races at the school do not mix and mingle together. If there was diversity all around the planet then there would not be any separation of races. This is why I believe that we are not a diverse world because there is too much hate between any two races of people.
In conclusion, diversity is being tolerating and accepting of another race not of your own. The world is not diverse because of the hate between races therefore defeating the purpose of diversity. It could be diverse though if we really tried to tolerate each other.
Have you ever had to do something with another person? Was that something a group project where you and a group of classmates had to get together to work on a class assignment? I am pretty sure that in order for you to have completed this assignment, you would have to have cooperate with one another. To me, cooperation is dealing with another person when sometimes you do not want to interact with that certain person. It is very important to everyday life because without it, we would be more messed up than we already are today.
Cooperation is important because it makes everything we do so much easier. For example, if we did not cooperate with each other everyone would get mad because no one would get their way. Everyone would be so caught up inside why they do not want to participate, that none of the work would get completed and everyone would never come to an agreement. Even though cooperation is a very important concept, it would not be anything if participation and compromises were not there to back it up. If you do not make a compromise or participate then how are you going to cooperate? So, it only makes sense that cooperation goes hand in hand with participation and compromise.
Cooperation makes things simple and to the point. You deal with the person, compromise, and then you participate and now you are cooperating. It just makes sense to deal with the person and cooperate so you would not have to deal with them anymore. It is very important to me and people and it sure helps the world to be a better place.
Cooperation is important because it makes everything we do so much easier. For example, if we did not cooperate with each other everyone would get mad because no one would get their way. Everyone would be so caught up inside why they do not want to participate, that none of the work would get completed and everyone would never come to an agreement. Even though cooperation is a very important concept, it would not be anything if participation and compromises were not there to back it up. If you do not make a compromise or participate then how are you going to cooperate? So, it only makes sense that cooperation goes hand in hand with participation and compromise.
Cooperation makes things simple and to the point. You deal with the person, compromise, and then you participate and now you are cooperating. It just makes sense to deal with the person and cooperate so you would not have to deal with them anymore. It is very important to me and people and it sure helps the world to be a better place.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Semester Persuasive Essay 3
4. Since the cloning of the sheep Dolly, there has been much debate over whether or not human beings should be cloned. Many people feel this is a violation of the natural order of things and that all research in the area of human cloning should be banned. Others feel that this is a natural progression of science and human evolution and that research in the area of human cloning should be a priority. How do you feel about this issue? Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.
Human Cloning
What is the first thing that comes to your mind when you think about cloning? Do you think it about the first successful cloned sheep named Dolly? Do you think about the possibility that since they have started and successfully cloned animals that they would soon start to clone human beings? That is exactly what comes to my mind when I think about cloning. The second thing that I think about is how wrong it would be if humans had the audacity to try to clone a human being. This is just wrong and I believe that any research that has been started or any idea about cloning a human should be banned.
In my perspective, cloning humans is a very wrong thing to do. You might be the person to think that cloning an animal would be the same thing as cloning a human, since they are both living things, but I beg to differ from your argument. I believe animals are a step under humans, first of all because they do not have a soul only a spirit, so you can make another animal because of that. A human has a soul and you cannot just give someone a soul. That is like trying to force water and oil to mix. Exactly, because water and oil cannot mix, so you cannot just go around trying to a create copy of a person when there is no soul for that person.
Just because our society today is very advanced, does not mean that people should start trying to play God. No amount of human evolution or science should make us begin to try to make a human through “science” when God has been doing this since the beginning of time. If someone starts to try to clone a human, it would just mess up the earth’s equilibrium. It is already slightly messed up with all the pollution, tree demolitions, and overconsumption of the earth’s natural resources, so tell my why do we need to mess up the nature of a God given life? What, to make him angry? I do not think so and what shall we do to please Him? We shall ban the research!
Even if somehow the research of human cloning was continued and it was successful (I doubt it), people would not be the same anymore. We would be stripping our identity and self image from ourselves. Just imagine you were cloned. Now, there is someone who is basically you walking around with the same type of thoughts and same taste in everything. Everything is the same even to where you exert the most pressure on your point. That is taking away your identity! We are supposed to be unique individuals and human cloning would take away something that society can never take away from us until we give it to them, and that is our minds because cloning would take away what you know.
In conclusion, research for human cloning should be banned. We would save ourselves from God’s wrath and no individuality. Even if we tried though, we would not be able to clone. So, why waste research on cloning when you could be researching the cure for cancer? It makes logical sense to me, how about you?
Friday, October 22, 2010
The means of communication has changed drastically over the past twenty years ago. Just twenty years away it was the 1990's.At first you could just go around with a pager and you thought it was cool because you know someone had tried to reach you. You still had the e-mail, land-line phones, mail, and even cell phones. Now, you still see all of that, except for the pager, and everyone uses them to communicate.
Back in the 1990’s the way to communicate was pretty much the same, but the difference now is how we have been able to progress further on with our communication needs. Almost nobody really sits and haves a nice talk anymore without getting interrupted by many other ways of communicating. These ways of communication include: texting, instant messaging, e-mailing, face booking, tweeting, or any online society network that allows for people to talk to each other electronically. Twenty year ago, there was not as much communicating electronically, but in the present time, people actually rely on a text or tweet through an electronic device than actually hearing that person speak. Pretty soon, if everyone continues to communicate electronically, people would find less ways to talk to a person when they could in fact send it to them electronically.
In conclusion, communication has changed over the course of twenty years. Not only has it changed to electronically, but also it has changed how people communicate when it comes to talking face to face. Next thing we know it we would be able to communicate with animals through technology!
Back in the 1990’s the way to communicate was pretty much the same, but the difference now is how we have been able to progress further on with our communication needs. Almost nobody really sits and haves a nice talk anymore without getting interrupted by many other ways of communicating. These ways of communication include: texting, instant messaging, e-mailing, face booking, tweeting, or any online society network that allows for people to talk to each other electronically. Twenty year ago, there was not as much communicating electronically, but in the present time, people actually rely on a text or tweet through an electronic device than actually hearing that person speak. Pretty soon, if everyone continues to communicate electronically, people would find less ways to talk to a person when they could in fact send it to them electronically.
In conclusion, communication has changed over the course of twenty years. Not only has it changed to electronically, but also it has changed how people communicate when it comes to talking face to face. Next thing we know it we would be able to communicate with animals through technology!
There are many great teachers in the world and there are many bad teachers in the world. I, for one, end up getting at least two bad teachers a year. It is not like I do not like the teacher, it is because their teaching techniques and methods are very difficult to understand because it seems at times that they themselves do not know how to teach. This is why they should change their methods to accommodate the needs of the students and for the student to be able to achieve a good mark on their grade because they comprehend the materials that are presented to them.
One of my teachers in particular that I have had should try to change their techniques and methods to help do their job more effectively. What they should do is first of all, teach the material that is given to us. If we are not taught the material because you just throw it at us expecting us to know it already, then we most defiantly do not know the material. You have to go step by step until we fully comprehend what you want from us. They should also teach by not overwhelming a student with work that is very unreasonable because we do have other classes and since they do expect us to be awake in class, the work load should not make us want to sleep instead of learn.
In conclusion, teachers have to change their techniques and methods of teaching in order for their job to be effective. They would have to actually teach the material given to us and not overwhelm us with unreasonable amounts of homework. If these two things are followed, there is a chance that the students will feel the teacher was doing their job effectively.
One of my teachers in particular that I have had should try to change their techniques and methods to help do their job more effectively. What they should do is first of all, teach the material that is given to us. If we are not taught the material because you just throw it at us expecting us to know it already, then we most defiantly do not know the material. You have to go step by step until we fully comprehend what you want from us. They should also teach by not overwhelming a student with work that is very unreasonable because we do have other classes and since they do expect us to be awake in class, the work load should not make us want to sleep instead of learn.
In conclusion, teachers have to change their techniques and methods of teaching in order for their job to be effective. They would have to actually teach the material given to us and not overwhelm us with unreasonable amounts of homework. If these two things are followed, there is a chance that the students will feel the teacher was doing their job effectively.
The Toilet
Did you know that conveniences change people live? They could be either a small change or a big change, either way, it will change a person's life. You are probably wondering what a convenience is, and to me, a convenience is anything that makes you comfortable at your home. It could be an oven, a couch, a television, or even your own bed. Even though all of the others are necessities for us to have, I believe that we have a convenience that can change our lives drastically if we did not have them in our present time. That convenience is the toilet.
Just imagine if you did not have a toilet in your house. How do you think you would do? Do you think that you would have the ability to survive without it? I know for sure that I would be one of those people. As you may see, without a toilet in your house your life you be totally different. You would have to go to the bathroom outside for an outhouse and maybe even dig a latrine in your backyard if you could not afford an outhouse. Just imagine how the streets would smell if there was no toilet. Not only would it smell horrible, but also people might start getting used to living near filth. Now do you see how life would be different?
In conclusion, the toilet is a convenience that changes peoples life. It is a big change because we depend on it every day and without it would cause people to use latrines. It would make everything outside stink and people would basically live in their own filth.
Just imagine if you did not have a toilet in your house. How do you think you would do? Do you think that you would have the ability to survive without it? I know for sure that I would be one of those people. As you may see, without a toilet in your house your life you be totally different. You would have to go to the bathroom outside for an outhouse and maybe even dig a latrine in your backyard if you could not afford an outhouse. Just imagine how the streets would smell if there was no toilet. Not only would it smell horrible, but also people might start getting used to living near filth. Now do you see how life would be different?
In conclusion, the toilet is a convenience that changes peoples life. It is a big change because we depend on it every day and without it would cause people to use latrines. It would make everything outside stink and people would basically live in their own filth.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Fame and Fortune
Just imagine that one day you were walking down the street and someone noticed you and told you that they wanted you to be the next pop sensational movie star, what would you do? I do not know about you, but if that happened to me and I could tell they were telling the truth that they wanted me, I would definitely say yes. Even though we know that would not realistically happen, there are many other ways that a person could come to fame and fortune. They could do anything of the following: be born into a famous family, start out dancing and make yourself known by auditioning at various places, sing and win in a talent show, act in plays, be super intelligent, invent something new, be a politician, save someone and get recognized as a hero, be ahead of a famous company, or be an inspirational speaker.
When a person does get all of the fame and fortune, they change a lot. There attitude may change because maybe they were dirt poor and did not have a lot of things, so they were stingy with their stuff. But, when they turned into a famous person, they share what ever they have because they know how it was to have close to nothing. It always does not turn out like that though. Fame could turn a person nasty. They could have been a nice person at first, but as soon as they became famous they wanted to act all snobby, heartless, and selfish. That is a major difference because either way fame and fortune means money and money can turn even the nicest grandma's into the Big Bad Wolf.
When a person does get all of the fame and fortune, they change a lot. There attitude may change because maybe they were dirt poor and did not have a lot of things, so they were stingy with their stuff. But, when they turned into a famous person, they share what ever they have because they know how it was to have close to nothing. It always does not turn out like that though. Fame could turn a person nasty. They could have been a nice person at first, but as soon as they became famous they wanted to act all snobby, heartless, and selfish. That is a major difference because either way fame and fortune means money and money can turn even the nicest grandma's into the Big Bad Wolf.
Trash Trash TRASH
We humans consume many things per day. We eat stuff and then throw away the trash. We use paper and then throw it away in the trash. We use car parts and plastic toys, but in the end we end up throwing them in the trash. As, you may have noticed, I am really focusing on the trash that we threw away. What I want to know is "why is there so much trash and where would we store it when the trash designated places begin to overflow?" What, are they going to do, start throwing away trash into space? For a little note, that would not help since the gravity would just pull the trash right back into the earth causing it to literally rain trash.
I believe that we should go through all of the trash that we throw away to find the recyclable things that could be used again and take them out of the trash cans. I believe that this should lessen the trash load to about maybe half the trash because I know that many people do not follow what they are supposed to do when it comes to putting the things in the right trash bins. We then would be able to have a lesser trash load and we also would be able to lessen the amount of trash in the landfills leaving us more space to put the trash there.
In conclusion, our trash problem is a major environmental problem in our society today. It needs to be fixed before they start sending it to space. We could help reduce the trash by actually recycling when we are supposed to because that would lessen the trash load.
I believe that we should go through all of the trash that we throw away to find the recyclable things that could be used again and take them out of the trash cans. I believe that this should lessen the trash load to about maybe half the trash because I know that many people do not follow what they are supposed to do when it comes to putting the things in the right trash bins. We then would be able to have a lesser trash load and we also would be able to lessen the amount of trash in the landfills leaving us more space to put the trash there.
In conclusion, our trash problem is a major environmental problem in our society today. It needs to be fixed before they start sending it to space. We could help reduce the trash by actually recycling when we are supposed to because that would lessen the trash load.
A Serious Public Health Concern
There are many health problems in our society today. You have people worrying about the whooping cough, someone getting cancer, diabetes, having high cholesterol, high and low blood pressure, the swine flu, and many other things. Even though these are some serious health concerns that are in my community, I believe that there is a more serious health concern that we all need to attend to. The public health concern that I believe needs immediate attention is heart problems.
There are many people who die each and every day from having a heart problem. In fact both of my grandfathers died because they had heart problems. I believe that we should do something about that because as life goes on, there are going to be more and more people dying of having heart problems. Some of these heart problems could be because an artery was clogged, they had cardiac arrest, a heart attack, they had an enlarged heart, they had a pace maker, or maybe they even had just a weak heart. All of these heart problems need to be overlooked and taken more seriously before they end up like my grandfathers who did not make it.
In conclusion, heart problems are a public health concern that I believe is serious enough to warrant immediate attention. Not only are there too many people dying because of it, but I also believe that nothing is really being done and there should be something done. Heart problems should be addressed more better to avoid this problem.
There are many people who die each and every day from having a heart problem. In fact both of my grandfathers died because they had heart problems. I believe that we should do something about that because as life goes on, there are going to be more and more people dying of having heart problems. Some of these heart problems could be because an artery was clogged, they had cardiac arrest, a heart attack, they had an enlarged heart, they had a pace maker, or maybe they even had just a weak heart. All of these heart problems need to be overlooked and taken more seriously before they end up like my grandfathers who did not make it.
In conclusion, heart problems are a public health concern that I believe is serious enough to warrant immediate attention. Not only are there too many people dying because of it, but I also believe that nothing is really being done and there should be something done. Heart problems should be addressed more better to avoid this problem.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Teenage Smoking
There are a lot of teenagers who smoke these days. It not only affects the United States, but also around the world. There are so many teenagers that smoke that it may be impossible to tell if that person smoked because so many teenagers did. Not only does teenage smoking pose a problem for the teenagers who do smoke but it also has many causes. Some causes may include things like having a parent who smoked or peers who smoke. Some problems that result from smoking is not being able to quit easily and the risk of getting lung disease.
The causes of a teenager to smoke mostly comes from their living and social environment. If they were born into an environment in which someone close to them, like a parent, smokes, they are most likely going to take after that person. They also could have been pressured into smoking because of their peers because they kept offering that teen to smoke and one day they finally cracked and began smoking.
The problems that result from a teenager smoking could seem harmless but are really dangerous. A problem that could occur from teenage smoking is lung disease. From all of the smoking, the smoke could gather in your lungs and end up giving you lung cancer because you are inhaling stuff into your lungs that should not be in your body. Another problem that could occur is the ability to not be able to quit easily because smoking is addictive. You could try to give it up, but it might make you go into withdrawal.
In conclusion, teenage smoking has its causes and problems that result from it. A cause could be because of peer pressure. A problem that could result from that could be lung disease. There are many teenagers that smoke today and they all share this common things.
The causes of a teenager to smoke mostly comes from their living and social environment. If they were born into an environment in which someone close to them, like a parent, smokes, they are most likely going to take after that person. They also could have been pressured into smoking because of their peers because they kept offering that teen to smoke and one day they finally cracked and began smoking.
The problems that result from a teenager smoking could seem harmless but are really dangerous. A problem that could occur from teenage smoking is lung disease. From all of the smoking, the smoke could gather in your lungs and end up giving you lung cancer because you are inhaling stuff into your lungs that should not be in your body. Another problem that could occur is the ability to not be able to quit easily because smoking is addictive. You could try to give it up, but it might make you go into withdrawal.
In conclusion, teenage smoking has its causes and problems that result from it. A cause could be because of peer pressure. A problem that could result from that could be lung disease. There are many teenagers that smoke today and they all share this common things.
Math has been a required subject since the beginning of time. It started with merely counting things to equations, like completing the square, to complicated things that even I do not know at the moment. The thing is if we were not required to learn math, we would be a doomed species. I mean, look at us. If we did not use math at all we might as well call ourselves a bunch of funny looking monkeys. Math has been with us every step of the way and will always be there to help us.
If we were not required to learn math, we would be in a lot of trouble. First of all, how are we going to give a person change if the cashier broke down and we did not know how to use it? If we did not learn any math no one would be able to buy anything because the thing that person relied on to count and subtract and add the percentage was no longer working. We also use math in our everyday lives. We use it to build buildings, cook food, play a game, go shop, and of course in your school. Since we need it for so many thing, it is a good thing that math is a required subject because if it was not, we would not be able to function.
In conclusion, we need math. We need it for everyday things that we do not think would be relevant in life. If we did not have math, we would not be able to get around.
If we were not required to learn math, we would be in a lot of trouble. First of all, how are we going to give a person change if the cashier broke down and we did not know how to use it? If we did not learn any math no one would be able to buy anything because the thing that person relied on to count and subtract and add the percentage was no longer working. We also use math in our everyday lives. We use it to build buildings, cook food, play a game, go shop, and of course in your school. Since we need it for so many thing, it is a good thing that math is a required subject because if it was not, we would not be able to function.
In conclusion, we need math. We need it for everyday things that we do not think would be relevant in life. If we did not have math, we would not be able to get around.
Food Choices
Many people eat different types of food every day. Some may only eat vegetables, some may mostly eat junk food, and some may only eat healthy foods, while others may eat occasionally healthy food and then occasionally junk food, unhealthy food. It really just depends on what type of person you are, where you live and how you are raised. If you live on the other side of the world, of course you are going to choose to eat different particular foods. Just like you, everyone is different.
Have you ever visited another person’s house and you have noticed that the food that they are eating is way different than any other food that you have seen before? It could be because their culture serves that food, so they eat the food. You could eat unhealthy food because you like it and maybe you are overweight. You could eat soul food because of where you grew up and because your parents liked to cook that food for you to eat. You could also eat any kinds of food because you just want to eat it. There might not be a certain reason why you eat the foods you do.
In conclusion, there are many different people who eat different types of foods everyday because of who they are. They could eat junk food, be a vegetarian, or even a healthy eater. It does not matter because no matter how hard we might try, that is not going to change because we are all different.
Have you ever visited another person’s house and you have noticed that the food that they are eating is way different than any other food that you have seen before? It could be because their culture serves that food, so they eat the food. You could eat unhealthy food because you like it and maybe you are overweight. You could eat soul food because of where you grew up and because your parents liked to cook that food for you to eat. You could also eat any kinds of food because you just want to eat it. There might not be a certain reason why you eat the foods you do.
In conclusion, there are many different people who eat different types of foods everyday because of who they are. They could eat junk food, be a vegetarian, or even a healthy eater. It does not matter because no matter how hard we might try, that is not going to change because we are all different.
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
The Internet
The Internet has been around for many years and is currently slowly taking over the television because many people use the Internet for watching their favorite television shows. Not only do people watch television on the Internet, but they also use the Internet for obtaining information. They could also use the Internet for social networking, blogging, getting their education online, having fun, for sending emails, and for getting famous. The few that I have listed in the previous sentence are just a few of the uses of the Internet. There are many more uses, but these are the main things that people use the Internet for.
The people that make things and put them on the Internet are the providers and the people who use the Internet are the users. Without each of these people the Internet would not be able to exist. If there was just a provider and no user then the Internet would not be a success and vice- versus. Just imagine there was no Google or Yahoo because there were no providers. Since Goggle and Yahoo are such big hit search engines, if there was none, people would go crazy because those two might be the only ones they now. I know that I would go crazy because I use them to find everything from homework help to music videos.
In conclusion, the Internet is used for many things. Some of these include having fun, watching television, and obtaining information. The providers and users help us keep the Internet going for our usage.
The people that make things and put them on the Internet are the providers and the people who use the Internet are the users. Without each of these people the Internet would not be able to exist. If there was just a provider and no user then the Internet would not be a success and vice- versus. Just imagine there was no Google or Yahoo because there were no providers. Since Goggle and Yahoo are such big hit search engines, if there was none, people would go crazy because those two might be the only ones they now. I know that I would go crazy because I use them to find everything from homework help to music videos.
In conclusion, the Internet is used for many things. Some of these include having fun, watching television, and obtaining information. The providers and users help us keep the Internet going for our usage.
Changing Your Plans
6There are many times in your life that changing your plans can be necessary and important. They could be a very small change that you might not even notice, but others could be big changes. Some changes could be very life changing and either make or break you or others could just hinder you from what you want to achieve in life. Whether there are life changing or not, we need to be able understand that without changing your plans at some time, we might not be able to go on with our lives.
There are many situations where changing your plans can be necessary, but I want to share a particular situation with you. Let us just say that you had your whole entire weekend planned out. You decide that you are going to spend your whole day at your friend’s house, then go to the movies, and then have a sleepover. You then were going to start your group project the next day with your friend. While you are walking to your friend’s house, you get a text from your other friend telling you that the college you really wanted to go to was having a tour all day on its campus and if you go you would be able to apply early. If you really wanted to go to the college you would have to change your plans with your friend to go visit the campus. This would be an example of where changing your plans would become necessary because you might get a higher chance at getting in your school.
In conclusion, changes in plans are sometimes necessary. They could help you with your life or hinder you. It just might be a good thing to change plans because you could then have a better chance at attending your dream school.
There are many situations where changing your plans can be necessary, but I want to share a particular situation with you. Let us just say that you had your whole entire weekend planned out. You decide that you are going to spend your whole day at your friend’s house, then go to the movies, and then have a sleepover. You then were going to start your group project the next day with your friend. While you are walking to your friend’s house, you get a text from your other friend telling you that the college you really wanted to go to was having a tour all day on its campus and if you go you would be able to apply early. If you really wanted to go to the college you would have to change your plans with your friend to go visit the campus. This would be an example of where changing your plans would become necessary because you might get a higher chance at getting in your school.
In conclusion, changes in plans are sometimes necessary. They could help you with your life or hinder you. It just might be a good thing to change plans because you could then have a better chance at attending your dream school.
My Ideal Vacation
Every one that I know likes vacations. They are the times that you get to relax and maybe even go away from your home. They could give you extra time to spend with your family or even get those extra hours of sleep that you have been missing out on. Even though I do not go away for any of my vacations, I like them because I use them to catch up on my sleep. But, one thing I really would like to try is going off of the mainland of the United States to go to Hawaii for one of my vacations. That would be my ideal vacation.
I am not sure why, but I have always wanted to go visit Hawaii. I guess it is because it has Hula dancing and is on an island. I am not sure what island I would like to visit because I honestly do not know any besides Maui, so I guess that is what island I would visit. I know for sure that I would want to see the ocean waves against the shore of the island and see people surf. I would probably even decide to learn how to surf. I would defiantly want to taste the food that they have and buy a lot of souvenirs from the gift shops. I would be able to be the last of the United States to see the sun set. This would be my ideal vacation.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Obesity is a serious problem in the United States of America. Adults are obese, teenagers are obese, women are obese, men are obese, and even our children our obese. That is a lot of people and every single day the rate of obesity grows steadily up the ladder. Because of obesity, there are many problems that result in personal issues and societal issues because of our media and food options.
Our food options cause our society to become obese. Everywhere you look there is a fast food restaurant sitting on the corner. Most people are tempted to buy the food in the restaurants because it is quick and accessible. With everything being quick, there are more customers who want and eat the fast food. There are also so many options for junk food nowadays that it is impossible to not want to try that new bag of chips or that Twinkie. With that being said, the problem increases causing for more people to consume these unhealthy foods and become obese.
Our society likes to put us down in any way possible. Have you ever noticed that all girl and guy magazines and T.V. shows show models with bodies that most people simply cannot get? They are mostly thin, so that just makes those who are obese feel bad about themselves. It does not help them mentally because no matter how hard one might try, they are always going to try to be like that model they saw in the magazine, and if they do not they would feel bad about themselves.
These are only a few topics that influence obesity in our society today. There are more of them out there and they are continuing to press against those who are obese. Some include the media while others include our food choices. But, all of these are the result from being obese.
Our food options cause our society to become obese. Everywhere you look there is a fast food restaurant sitting on the corner. Most people are tempted to buy the food in the restaurants because it is quick and accessible. With everything being quick, there are more customers who want and eat the fast food. There are also so many options for junk food nowadays that it is impossible to not want to try that new bag of chips or that Twinkie. With that being said, the problem increases causing for more people to consume these unhealthy foods and become obese.
Our society likes to put us down in any way possible. Have you ever noticed that all girl and guy magazines and T.V. shows show models with bodies that most people simply cannot get? They are mostly thin, so that just makes those who are obese feel bad about themselves. It does not help them mentally because no matter how hard one might try, they are always going to try to be like that model they saw in the magazine, and if they do not they would feel bad about themselves.
These are only a few topics that influence obesity in our society today. There are more of them out there and they are continuing to press against those who are obese. Some include the media while others include our food choices. But, all of these are the result from being obese.
People are different all around the world. They have different ideas, different families, different interests and different personalities. They could be such a big difference that you might even think that there would be no possible way that those two people could stand being in the same room since they are different. The weird thing is that that is no always necessarily true. Even though they are so different, they could be allies or best friends.
There are many people who are different, but are allies. For example, look at me. I have many different friends and they are very different from me. I have friends that like music, have no siblings, are boy crazy, who don’t like school, and who like to party. I, on the other hand, don’t care for music, have four siblings, am not boy crazy, love school, and I don't party. This shows that two people who are different could be together.
There are many good things that come with having an allie or friend who is totally different than you are. They could show you all of the things they like and how they are and you could show them how you are and things you like. You would be able to experience a different life without having actually to experience it because you would have your allie to tell you all about their different lifestyle. It would also be helpful with being tolerate of others that come from different countries.
In conclusion become who are different can actually be around each other. Even though there are not many who choose to, it helps that person experience other things that they did not experience before. People like me and you can even be allies.
There are many good things that come with having an allie or friend who is totally different than you are. They could show you all of the things they like and how they are and you could show them how you are and things you like. You would be able to experience a different life without having actually to experience it because you would have your allie to tell you all about their different lifestyle. It would also be helpful with being tolerate of others that come from different countries.
In conclusion become who are different can actually be around each other. Even though there are not many who choose to, it helps that person experience other things that they did not experience before. People like me and you can even be allies.
Living in the City
Dear new homeowner,
Congratulations! You have bought your new apartment in the city. I know that before you lived outdoors, so I assume that you do not know how to function inside your apartment. I will give you a guide of how to function in your new apartment. Once you get the hang of it, I promise you that you will feel right at home.
Inside your apartment, you will find many things. Things that you sit own, cook with and store food with and use the bathroom on. Things that you place your clothes in and things that entertain you. The things that you sit on are your couch, bed, and chairs. The things that you cook on and store food with are your kitchen appliances which include your microwave, refrigerator, counters, stove/oven, utensils, freezer,and your dishes. The uses of your bathroom while include uses of the following items: a tub or shower, a toilet, a sink, towels, personal items and soap. The things that you store your clothes in would either be a dresser or a closet and the things that entertain you could be a computer, radio, a television or maybe even an instrument.
You might feel overwhelmed since you never had the luxury of these things, but this is what living in the city is like. You will be sheltered all the time and have security. If you look around there might be some other things for decoration, so it might seem fancy to you. I hope that you like your new living lifestyle because I am sure that this apartment in the city is better than living outdoors.
You might feel overwhelmed since you never had the luxury of these things, but this is what living in the city is like. You will be sheltered all the time and have security. If you look around there might be some other things for decoration, so it might seem fancy to you. I hope that you like your new living lifestyle because I am sure that this apartment in the city is better than living outdoors.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Non-fiction Creative Writing: Swimming
Swimming is a sport that many people can do. It requires a large or small body of water for you to swim in. I, for a fact, cannot swim, but I like to pretend that I can. I like to pretend that I can swim because it makes me feel better about the fact that I cannot swim.
There are a lot of times that I have gone swimming. Half of these times, I went swimming in my backyard blow up pool or in my grandmother's pool. The other half were the times that I had spent in the communities pool, like at Jesse Owens park, Centinela park, and hotel pools. When I went swimming, I usually went with my family, particularly my sisters, but other times, I went to pools with my friends.
There is one particular time that I remember going swimming. I had went with my friends, we were having a blast, and I was at Jesse Owens park. We were in the inside pool splashing each other and I attempted to run through the water because my other friend was trying to duck me. I really was trying to prevent myself from going underwater, because I knew later I would have to deal with about five heads of hair, but eventually I did and regretted it later. Nothing really exciting happened in the pool, but outside is where things were different. I had an ice cream and some Cheetos puff corn for the first time and it was really good, but while I was eating it I received a text message. The text was from my friend and she informed me that Michael Jackson had died.
Now you know how my swimming experience was. Every time I go to the swimming pool now, I think about Michael Jackson and how I went swimming on his death day. Knowing that, it makes me reconsider if I really want to go swimming again.
There are a lot of times that I have gone swimming. Half of these times, I went swimming in my backyard blow up pool or in my grandmother's pool. The other half were the times that I had spent in the communities pool, like at Jesse Owens park, Centinela park, and hotel pools. When I went swimming, I usually went with my family, particularly my sisters, but other times, I went to pools with my friends.
There is one particular time that I remember going swimming. I had went with my friends, we were having a blast, and I was at Jesse Owens park. We were in the inside pool splashing each other and I attempted to run through the water because my other friend was trying to duck me. I really was trying to prevent myself from going underwater, because I knew later I would have to deal with about five heads of hair, but eventually I did and regretted it later. Nothing really exciting happened in the pool, but outside is where things were different. I had an ice cream and some Cheetos puff corn for the first time and it was really good, but while I was eating it I received a text message. The text was from my friend and she informed me that Michael Jackson had died.
Now you know how my swimming experience was. Every time I go to the swimming pool now, I think about Michael Jackson and how I went swimming on his death day. Knowing that, it makes me reconsider if I really want to go swimming again.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Ban Smoking in Resturants?
Semester Essay: 2 ,Prompt #31
Across the country, public places such as libraries and museums are now smoke-free environments, and restaurants are required to have separate smoking and non-smoking section. Some smoke-free advocates are now campaigning to ban smoking in all restaurants and bars. Do you think this is a good idea? Why or why not? Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.
Smoking is a common thing around the whole world that a lot of people do. Elders smoke, adults smoke, and unfortunately, even some teenagers smoke. There are so many people who smoke that in some public places, for example restaurants, are required to have separate section for smoking and another section that does not allow smoking. The good thing is that libraries and museums are smoke-free. I believe that since libraries, museums and other public places are smoke-free, it would be a terrific idea if restaurants all around the country ban smoking.
I believe that smoking is very bad for you. It even states that “The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says cigarette smoking is responsible for 151,322 cancer deaths annually in the United States. Most of those - 116,920 - are from lung cancer.” (Risks of Smoking) Even though there is proof that it could harm a person, many people still put their body at risk. When a person smokes, they not only affect themselves, but people around them. When a person smokes, they leave second-hand smoke in the air, causing others to breathe it in. “Smoke that is exhaled not only contains the same dangerous contaminants as inhaled smoke, but the exhaled smoke particles are smaller, so that they can reach distant sites in the lungs of involuntary or passive smokers and do great harm.” (Risks of Smoking) Now, that other person is affected as much as the person who chose to smoke.
Let us just say that a person, a man, decides to go to this restaurant to eat some lunch. This man likes to smoke and he at least needs to smoke three times a day. The man enters the restaurant and goes to the designated smoking section. While he waits for his meal, he decides to smoke a cigarette. As all of this occurs, the air vents begin to circulate the air throughout the whole restaurant. As the man is smoking, he is unconsciously spreading second-hand smoke because the smoke goes through the vent; therefore the second-hand smoke travels throughout the whole restaurant. Even though the restaurant has an area designated for people who smoke and an area designated for non-smokers, the man has just made the whole restaurant a smoking environment.
Even though people might not agree with my opinion on smoking, nothing those people can say will make me change my mind. If you want to smoke, I believe that you should do it in the privacy of your own home, not a public place, like a restaurant. Think of all the little children out there. There are too many of them of them around and they go to places like restaurants just like adults. You could ruin a child’s health if you go around smoking in public places. The reason they end up with lung cancer would be because you decided to smoke. Also, think about people who do not smoke. Most people, me included, hate the smell of smoke and if I am by a designated smoking area, my hate for it increases. If smoking was banned, you would be doing a favor for those who cannot stand the smell of it.
In conclusion, a smoke-free environment could help our children obtain fewer diseases. No one would have to worry about unconsciously inhaling second hand smoke when going out for a meal. Some people would not have to deal with something they hate. People would not have to worry about people who are damaging their health while they dine out in a restaurant. Even though the people who support smoking might end up upset about my opinion, everyone else would be joyous. So, let us make a decision to ban smoking in restaurants. The children are the future, so think of them. Would you want them sick?
“What Are the Risks of Smoking-‘A Reason to Quit Smoking’”.QuitSmokingSupport.com. 2010, October 14, 2010
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Television has come a long way, from only a few channels with no color to over 200 channels with high definition, color and for some televisions, 3D. It has come so far that it is now a part of our everyday lives. For example, (Herr 2007) according to the A.C. Nielsen Company, the average American watches more than four hours of TV each day (or 28 hours/week, or 2 months of nonstop TV-watching per year). If you think about it, watching television four or more hours a day is entirely too many hours dedicated to watching television. I believe that we should cut down on our TV hours and become more focused on other important things.
Even though statistics say that the average American watches more than four hours of TV each day, I can be proud to say that I do not fit into this statistic. In my house I rarely watch TV because my parents do not like my siblings and me watching TV while we have other things we can be doing. Every once and a while, they let us watch TV, but the point is that we rarely watch TV. What we do instead are things like reading a book, doing our homework, or something else. That means we have more time to do other things instead of wasting time watching TV.
Television can be addicting because I too have been a victim of watching TV for a long time without my parents around. So, I understand that it could be hard to lower the hours of television that you watch. The thing is, you can do so much more stuff instead of watching that four or more hours of television a day. Think about it. If you cut down to watching only one to two hours of television each day, you would have more free time. If you noticed that you never had time for homework because you watched that much TV, you then would have time dedicated to your homework and you would have it done.
I believe that Americans should think about their choices more in life because watching TV for that long can be a very unhealthy choice. If you just sit in your house watching TV, you lose that certain opportunity because you are not out of your house doing something productive. You are just sitting in your chair or couch or stool absorbing all the reality shows and cartoons that basically get you nowhere. You might argue that you learn something from National Geographic or Discovery channel, but how long do you watch it? Do you really learn as much on the TV than the outside world where you have opportunities for hands on learning? I know for a fact that I do not learn anything valuable from the TV from what I have watched.
In conclusion, we should become more responsible with watching TV and find something more productive to do. It is very time consuming and does not help us with the opportunities we might be faced with in life. Do you think you can just handle an hour a day? It does not hurt to try.
Herr, Norman “Television and Health” Internet Resources to Accompany The Sourcebook for Teaching Science 2007, October 07, 2010 <http://www.csun.edu/science/health/docs/tv&health.html>.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
If I Were a Doctor
I do not want to be a doctor of any kind. But, when I was little, I wanted to be a doctor, an optometrist. An optometrist is an eye doctor for those who did not know that. They are the ones that prescribes the eye wear and contact lenses as well as helping those post surgery, not an opthamologist, who does the actual eye surgery. I would work as an optometrist at Kaiser Permanente or somewhere else and help those who cannot see to become better with the right lenses or contacts.
If I Was Twenty Feet Tall
If I was twenty feet tall, I would not like myself. I do have flaws because I am a human, so if I was twenty feet tall, my flaws would be magnified. One flaw I have is that I am very clumsy and I at least harm myself once a day (not on purpose.) So, imagine a twenty foot tall, 16 year old girl falling to the ground because she stubbed her toe.
Life for me would be hectic. It would be very difficult for me to find clothes that run that big in sizes. I would be the only one that big, so I would be very lonely. People would be afraid of me and I would have no privacy, since the media would find me interesting. Food would be very difficult to sustain my hunger because food would look so little to me. Also, I would have to live where no one else lives because I would not be able to fit in my house.
Life for me would be hectic. It would be very difficult for me to find clothes that run that big in sizes. I would be the only one that big, so I would be very lonely. People would be afraid of me and I would have no privacy, since the media would find me interesting. Food would be very difficult to sustain my hunger because food would look so little to me. Also, I would have to live where no one else lives because I would not be able to fit in my house.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
What I am really good at
There are many things that I can do. Not all the things I can do exhibit that I am really good at them. For example, if I had to cook, I would, but it would be a very simple and maybe undercooked ( or overcooked) meal. I also can play the piano, but I can only play a couple of songs like "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star." The one thing that people keep telling me that I am really good at is talking.
I personally think that I am not really good at anything, but my all of my family keep suggesting say that I am good at random talking. Not the type of talking in front of crowds, but the type of talking in front of one person. I would have to be very comfortable around you to talk about random stuff though. So, I would have to really know you if I am to talk random. That means you would not be able to see my "talent" if I talk to a complete stranger right now.
What I mean by random talking, I mean just that, random talking. I could be talking about something for example my dreams. I remember my dreams every single night, so it is very rare I can not remember my dream. I would tell you my dream out of nowhere. Other times I would tell random facts that I learned the previous day.
I personally think that I am not really good at anything, but my all of my family keep suggesting say that I am good at random talking. Not the type of talking in front of crowds, but the type of talking in front of one person. I would have to be very comfortable around you to talk about random stuff though. So, I would have to really know you if I am to talk random. That means you would not be able to see my "talent" if I talk to a complete stranger right now.
What I mean by random talking, I mean just that, random talking. I could be talking about something for example my dreams. I remember my dreams every single night, so it is very rare I can not remember my dream. I would tell you my dream out of nowhere. Other times I would tell random facts that I learned the previous day.
Monday, October 4, 2010
My New Sandwich
Are you tired of all the boring sandwiches out there? Does your mind just scream try some new type of sandwich? Well, you have come to the right place. I happen to have a new sandwich recipe that just can kick those boring sandwiches in their buns. I call it the Happy Sandwich.
This sandwich is a very delicate sandwich. It contains: banana bread, strawberry slices, grapes, pineapple slices, peach slices, and watermelon slices. As you can see, there is an enormous amount of fruit, so it might remind you of a fruit salad and when I see the word fruit salad I feel really happy. That is why I named it the Happy Sandwich.
It is pretty simple to make this sandwich. All you have to do is slice up some strawberries, a pineapple, a peach, a miniature watermelon. You could slice the grapes if you wanted to. The banana bread would go first followed by the pineapples, watermelon, peach, strawberries, grapes, and then the other banana bread slice would go last. This sandwich might or might not appeal to you, but I know it is appealing to me.
This sandwich is a very delicate sandwich. It contains: banana bread, strawberry slices, grapes, pineapple slices, peach slices, and watermelon slices. As you can see, there is an enormous amount of fruit, so it might remind you of a fruit salad and when I see the word fruit salad I feel really happy. That is why I named it the Happy Sandwich.
It is pretty simple to make this sandwich. All you have to do is slice up some strawberries, a pineapple, a peach, a miniature watermelon. You could slice the grapes if you wanted to. The banana bread would go first followed by the pineapples, watermelon, peach, strawberries, grapes, and then the other banana bread slice would go last. This sandwich might or might not appeal to you, but I know it is appealing to me.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
I Won!
There was once a time when I was in sixth grade. It was the day that I graduated from my elementary school and we had a field trip to go to Knotts Berry Farm. I cannot remember if this was my second or third time being there, but I was really disappointed. We were originally going to go to Six Flags and that would have been my first time being there. But the principal thought my class was too bad to go, which made no sense at all because we were good compared to the class that graduated before us, so she took away that field trip. Since the parents thought it was quite unfair, they got together and paid for the buses to take us to Knotts after we get home from the graduation.
When we got there everyone separated into there individual groups. I somehow got away from my friends and ended up playing this game. The prizes were some very big stuffed animal tigers that either sat up or layed down. I knew then that I just had to win one of them. The goal of the game was to throw a ball at these five or three bottles and if you did all of them you got a tiger just for three dollars. I tried the first time put did not get all of them. I then paid another three dollars and I got one of them. Since I was so persistent the person gave me a tiger, so I won the game.
When we got there everyone separated into there individual groups. I somehow got away from my friends and ended up playing this game. The prizes were some very big stuffed animal tigers that either sat up or layed down. I knew then that I just had to win one of them. The goal of the game was to throw a ball at these five or three bottles and if you did all of them you got a tiger just for three dollars. I tried the first time put did not get all of them. I then paid another three dollars and I got one of them. Since I was so persistent the person gave me a tiger, so I won the game.
I happily walked away with my sitting up tiger, but turned back almost immediately. The tiger did not have a tail and I was a bit embarrassed to tell the person their mistake. They immediately took the messed up tiger and gave me a new one, but this one was lying down. He currently is still lying down and he occupies the end of my bed with my other stuffed animals every night.
If I had any superpowers, I would choose super strength. I would choose super strength. I would choose super strength because I am a very weak person. If you put two textbooks in my hands, i would complain that it was too heavy. If my younger sister sat on me, I would not be able to get her off. So, now you can see why I would choose super strength.
Even though I think we are only supposed to choose one superpower, I would also choose the ability to fly. I would choose the ability to fly because I really do not like being late. If I had the ability to fly, I would not be late because there would not be any obstacles, like stoplights, that would slow me down.
With my combined superpowers, I would be able to do all kinds of things. I would be able to fight the bad guys and fly them off to the police. If someone was falling off a tall building, I would be able to fly up and catch them and carry them to the ground. I could also be able to save people from accidents. For example, a plane failed, so I fly up and keep the plane steady from its belly until it can reach the ground.
An Afternoon With My Granny
If I could spend an afternoon with one member of my extended family, it would be my granny. My granny is on my paternal side and she is my only grandparent I have left in my family. My maternal granny died when my mother was only two years old, so my paternal granny is the only grandmother I ever known.
I would spend time with my granny, because I simply do not have the time to spend with my granny. She lives two hours away from me and I simply cannot make the trip up there every weekend because gas cost too much. Since she is my only grandparent left, I think that it is necessary to spend time with her. I simply do not know when one day she might pass away and I would always remember that I did not spend time with her.
For our afternoon together, we would first go out to the mall. We would walk around and go into the stores and check them out. We then would have a nice little lunch in the food court where we could talk about anything. After our little lunch, we could go to the movies. I would let my granny choose what she wants to watch and then we would go to her house.
I would spend time with my granny, because I simply do not have the time to spend with my granny. She lives two hours away from me and I simply cannot make the trip up there every weekend because gas cost too much. Since she is my only grandparent left, I think that it is necessary to spend time with her. I simply do not know when one day she might pass away and I would always remember that I did not spend time with her.
For our afternoon together, we would first go out to the mall. We would walk around and go into the stores and check them out. We then would have a nice little lunch in the food court where we could talk about anything. After our little lunch, we could go to the movies. I would let my granny choose what she wants to watch and then we would go to her house.
A Visit to the Moon
"Five, four three, two, one, and take off." the announcer announced as the spaceship made its way out of earth's atmosphere. It was on its way towards the moon. Inside were a team illustrious astronauts ready to set foot outside of space in a huge spacesuit. They would study the intricate moon and discover new findings.
The end.
Well, did you like my extremely, ridiculously, outrageously short story? It is alright if you did not particularly like it or if you hated it because I would not hold a grudge against you. I am too nice at the moment to do that. You are probably wondering what was the point of writing my story. It talks about the moon in about every single sentence except the first one, so I would think that you would notice that this is about the moon. It was based on my prompt question, Would you want to visit the moon? My answer to this question obviously is yes, I would love to visit the moon.

I would want to visit the moon for many reasons. The first reason is because I see it every day in the sky and would at least want to set foot on it. If I visited the moon, that would give me a clear definition of how the moon actually is. The second reason is because it is gray. I sometimes like the color gray and on a good day, it would be awesome to visit a big, gray, moon. The third reason is because I have never been very far away from the earth and I think it would be a good chance to see how the earth really looks from far away in person. The final reason is because I really want to see if they have moon sand and rocks. If they did I would definitely take some home.
The end.
Well, did you like my extremely, ridiculously, outrageously short story? It is alright if you did not particularly like it or if you hated it because I would not hold a grudge against you. I am too nice at the moment to do that. You are probably wondering what was the point of writing my story. It talks about the moon in about every single sentence except the first one, so I would think that you would notice that this is about the moon. It was based on my prompt question, Would you want to visit the moon? My answer to this question obviously is yes, I would love to visit the moon.
I would want to visit the moon for many reasons. The first reason is because I see it every day in the sky and would at least want to set foot on it. If I visited the moon, that would give me a clear definition of how the moon actually is. The second reason is because it is gray. I sometimes like the color gray and on a good day, it would be awesome to visit a big, gray, moon. The third reason is because I have never been very far away from the earth and I think it would be a good chance to see how the earth really looks from far away in person. The final reason is because I really want to see if they have moon sand and rocks. If they did I would definitely take some home.
Ways a Teen my Age Can Earn Money
Money comes in different amounts. Some could be in large amounts for example millions. Others could be in small amounts like dollars or pennies. Either amounts we still need them, but we all know that the ones that we strive most for are the larger amounts. Even though many people want to have large amounts of money, they simply do not, for example me. I currently have twenty five cents to my name in my wallet right now. Two coins are dimes and the other five cents are pennies. Now you are probably thinking that I am broke, but let me tell you this, my wallet always stays empty and never has enough to fill it. This is why I need money fast.
There are many ways a teen my age can make money. The most ways point to having a afterschool or weekend job. Others include helping out a neighbor with their lawn, babysitting, or even making mixed Cd's. Some other ways include tutoring your next door neighbor's son and maybe even taking care of your neighbor's pets. In other words, there are many ways teens can make money, but it is not about what you do (most of the times), but what you get.
The Baby Dragon
Once upon a time near the beginning the dragons lived alongside the humans. There was always peace in the villages and the humans were respectful towards the dragons because the dragons were sacred creatures. Because the dragons were treated with respect, they allowed the humans to ride them and they assisted them in any wars if there were any quarrels with other villages.
All of that changed 200 years ago. There was a new king of the land, King Jerald. It was told that King Jerald hated the dragons and that he was evil, so evil that it was said that he did not have a heart. He made a decree that every dragon was to be killed and that if you refused to kill them, then you were to be killed too. Many people rebelled because of their love for the sacred dragons, but they were killed off as promised by the King Jerald’s army of soldiers.
It is now the year 1300 B.C. and the humans have forgotten about the once sacred dragons and the one who made them absent from their lifetime. That is everyone but one old man. He found a dragon who somehow escaped from the massacre years ago. It was old in age compared to the normal lifespan of 250 year s and it was carrying an egg. The dragon died as soon as the old man figured out about the egg, but before it died it seemed to tell the old man of all what happened to all of the dragons. This is the story of that little egg.
“It has blue swirls around its creamy shell and it’s a dragon’s egg.” The old man thought over and over in his head as he carried a heavy sack carefully on his back. He was on the dirt trail in the direction of his son’s village and today was the day that he would tell him and his wife about the egg. It had been a constant nagging in the back of his mind since he received it and it was telling him to give it to his son.
The old man turned towards the right and in the far distance he spotted his son’s village on the top of the hill. The old man sighed with relief. He would finally be able to tell someone about his discovery instead of keeping it in for the past three months.
He walked on and when he reached the village he rested on a flat stone rock that was just outside of the outdoor market place. While he rested, this one particular man caught the old man attention. In fact the man caught the attention of anyone who was in the market place. This man was attempting to swallow three long swords with jeweled hilts. The swords looked quite familiar to the swords he gave his son. In fact, the man looked quite familiar with his wavy brown shoulder- length hair, his angular chin, and his relatively short stature. The old man looked harder and realized that he was looking at his own son.
"Now how could I not even recognize my own son?" The old man questioned aloud as he jumped up from the rock and walked over to the now forming crowd with the sack still on his back.
He made it to the back of the crowd and then slowly people began to vanish one by one. The old man's son had pulled out the three swords and was now packing up to go back to his home. As the old man came closer he saw a tattered hat with a lot of pieces of gold in it. So this is what his son became after being a guard at the king's royal palace.
When everyone was gone except the old man and his son, the old man began to speak.
"Son, I have a gift for your little boy, it will hatch soon and your son will need to take care of it. Only him and no one else. If anyone finds out about this, it will cause ultimate chaos. I must go now, my calling has come." the old man gave his son the sack with the egg and before giving his son to reply, he laid down on the ground and passed away due to unknown cause.
The son sat there dumbfounded. His father had just died right in front of his eyes and gave him strict instructions about this thing in the sack. He began to weep over his father's body. Whatever must be in this bag must be worth dying for.
After a few minutes of weeping over his dead father, the son picked up the sack that was surprisingly light for being such huge in size. As soon as he picked up the sack the old man’s body dissolved into the sand and the son was left astonished at how quickly the body dissolved. He placed the sack on his back and headed towards his home.
As soon as the son made it inside of his home, his wife met him with a kiss on his cheek.
“There you are. You’re just in time for a supper of rabbit that our little son caught in the woods.” She said cheerfully as their little son came up from behind her.
“I am not little mother, I am nine years old and that makes me a man.” The little son said proudly while sticking out his chest. He stuck his head in the air like he was the king.
“Not quite son, but you will be soon. Come let us eat supper.” The son stated as he walked over to where the rabbit was skewered over the fire pit.
The supper was delicious. The rabbit was as plumb as ever and they were lucky to find it because it was nearing winter and all of the rabbits usually became too skinny for food. As the family wiped their mouths onto their fur coats, the son decided to use this time to tell his little son about the gift.
“Little son, would you please go over to where my swords are and bring the oval shaped sack on top of them. Be careful with it, it is fragile.” The little son did as his father told him to and brought it to the table. “Now open it and what is inside is yours and yours only. You must keep it safe and take care of it and let no one other than your mother and I see it. Do you promise my little son?” The son asked as he looked deeply into his little son’s eyes. All he saw were that his little son would promise to do whatever he just said.
“I promise father.” The little son said as he opened the sack. The sack revealed a large cream egg with blue swirls that reminded him of how the air would look if you could see it blowing. The little boy cautiously touched the egg and inside he felt a slight movement. He jerked his hand away as the egg began to crack like thin ice. He looked at his father fearfully. He made a terrible mistake and now whatever was in it would die. He began to close his eyes and retreat. He was almost outside when his father called to him.
“Little son, little son, come see it. It is not dead, but alive. Come look!” The son cried with joy as he saw a creature emerge from the cracked shell. The little son came back to the egg. By the time that he was in front of it there on the floor stood a baby dragon. He did not know how he knew it was a dragon, but he did. He walked towards the baby dragon. It was a deep shade of blue like the swirls on its shell and it had little sharp teeth. When the baby dragon opened its eyes the little son could see that its eyes were a light blue. He gasped as he walked towards it and placed his hand on the baby dragon’s head. It was then that he felt the connection between the baby dragon and himself.
“Hello, little son I am dragon and I am your master, but I like you so you could be my master.” The baby dragon talked through to the little son in its head. It was then on that the dragon and the little son became best friends.
"Now how could I not even recognize my own son?" The old man questioned aloud as he jumped up from the rock and walked over to the now forming crowd with the sack still on his back.
He made it to the back of the crowd and then slowly people began to vanish one by one. The old man's son had pulled out the three swords and was now packing up to go back to his home. As the old man came closer he saw a tattered hat with a lot of pieces of gold in it. So this is what his son became after being a guard at the king's royal palace.
When everyone was gone except the old man and his son, the old man began to speak.
"Son, I have a gift for your little boy, it will hatch soon and your son will need to take care of it. Only him and no one else. If anyone finds out about this, it will cause ultimate chaos. I must go now, my calling has come." the old man gave his son the sack with the egg and before giving his son to reply, he laid down on the ground and passed away due to unknown cause.
The son sat there dumbfounded. His father had just died right in front of his eyes and gave him strict instructions about this thing in the sack. He began to weep over his father's body. Whatever must be in this bag must be worth dying for.
After a few minutes of weeping over his dead father, the son picked up the sack that was surprisingly light for being such huge in size. As soon as he picked up the sack the old man’s body dissolved into the sand and the son was left astonished at how quickly the body dissolved. He placed the sack on his back and headed towards his home.
As soon as the son made it inside of his home, his wife met him with a kiss on his cheek.
“There you are. You’re just in time for a supper of rabbit that our little son caught in the woods.” She said cheerfully as their little son came up from behind her.
“I am not little mother, I am nine years old and that makes me a man.” The little son said proudly while sticking out his chest. He stuck his head in the air like he was the king.
“Not quite son, but you will be soon. Come let us eat supper.” The son stated as he walked over to where the rabbit was skewered over the fire pit.
The supper was delicious. The rabbit was as plumb as ever and they were lucky to find it because it was nearing winter and all of the rabbits usually became too skinny for food. As the family wiped their mouths onto their fur coats, the son decided to use this time to tell his little son about the gift.
“Little son, would you please go over to where my swords are and bring the oval shaped sack on top of them. Be careful with it, it is fragile.” The little son did as his father told him to and brought it to the table. “Now open it and what is inside is yours and yours only. You must keep it safe and take care of it and let no one other than your mother and I see it. Do you promise my little son?” The son asked as he looked deeply into his little son’s eyes. All he saw were that his little son would promise to do whatever he just said.
“I promise father.” The little son said as he opened the sack. The sack revealed a large cream egg with blue swirls that reminded him of how the air would look if you could see it blowing. The little boy cautiously touched the egg and inside he felt a slight movement. He jerked his hand away as the egg began to crack like thin ice. He looked at his father fearfully. He made a terrible mistake and now whatever was in it would die. He began to close his eyes and retreat. He was almost outside when his father called to him.
“Little son, little son, come see it. It is not dead, but alive. Come look!” The son cried with joy as he saw a creature emerge from the cracked shell. The little son came back to the egg. By the time that he was in front of it there on the floor stood a baby dragon. He did not know how he knew it was a dragon, but he did. He walked towards the baby dragon. It was a deep shade of blue like the swirls on its shell and it had little sharp teeth. When the baby dragon opened its eyes the little son could see that its eyes were a light blue. He gasped as he walked towards it and placed his hand on the baby dragon’s head. It was then that he felt the connection between the baby dragon and himself.
“Hello, little son I am dragon and I am your master, but I like you so you could be my master.” The baby dragon talked through to the little son in its head. It was then on that the dragon and the little son became best friends.
Four years have passed and the little son and the baby dragon have grown. Everything is well. They have been training in secret with fighting and flying techniques without anyone noticing anything weird about a thirteen year old boy and a huge blue four year old dragon being together. They only have each other now because the little son’s mother and father have perished in a fire that almost destroyed their whole entire village.
But not everything is safe for long. It is becoming harder to hide the dragon. People are becoming suspicious of the thirteen year old boy. Another thing is that there is a new king and he is a descendent of King Jerald. He has studied his ancestor and has somehow discovered the secret of the dragons. Will he go searching for any remaining dragons, if so; will he find the little son’s dragon? Only time will tell as the dragon and little son journey on to the world of runaways.
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